FC_middle_final (26-05-2018)
Kategori: Competition
Kort/område: Halisenromput
Arrangør: Kouvolan Suunnistajat
Land: Finland
Distance: 6.38 km
Tid: 34:27
Gennemsnitspuls: 183
Maxpuls: 193
Not the O-work what should be doing... Good solid beginning, but let my self lost the control when during the 3th leg there was possibility to push harder... Bit of same situation in the 9th and 15th. Espacially the about 30s lost on the 4th was expensive what it comes to positions... Well that's orienteering - next time should be wiser again
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FC_middle_final (26-05-2018) FC_middle_final (26-05-2018)