Am-pitkä (13.08.2011)
Kategorie: Competition
Mapa/oblast: Haramaa
Pořadatel: Nastolan terä
Skutečná délka: 9.4 km
Čas: 59:03
Prům. tepy: 181
Max. tepy: 196
Class H21 and quite good performance. Biggest mistake to the 13th (maybe 1.07 seconds :DD) and then also 4th leg went bad (about 30-40s)... Then some small not so good (2nd, 9th, 11th and 15th). Running wasn't that good and especially in up hills I was slow and in the end running was tired (maybe still little bit tired from Laaso's hill training)... Fall down in the end and my self little bit. In total maybe 2.45 mistakes... Satisfied, but not satisfied. Well it's still 3 weeks for the FC-long
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Am-pitkä (13.08.2011)